Monday, August 30, 2010

Cuteness floats

Check out those pruny toes -- oh, she does love her some water!

Bowling and more in Chuck-town

Making a splash in Charleston

Eight Months Old

Too bad she started crying when I went to get the camera. She was so cute playing in her crib -- and then I ruined it by walking away for a minute and making her tear up. Boo-hoo.

Atlantic Beach

We took a day trip to Atlantic Beach about a 1.5 weeks ago on a nice overcast day. David loved the ferry ride, playing in the waves and the trip to a dairy restaurant afterwards. Natalie was not a big fan of the rough water here, but she was a pretty good sport about it and decided to nap away the whole afternoon shortly after this picture was taken.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Recap -- Folly Beach part 2

Notice: On this day I made several posts to catch up on our summer vacations. You may want to scroll down and start at the last post of the day (MN trip part I) if you like things in chronological order. Thanks!

Daddy playing with Natalie in the baby pool

Splashing is fun!

I think this is the hottest summer I've ever experienced. I took this picture on our way home from Folly. (Note to self: smile for the camera, Candy!) Of course, Natalie's happy little self remained cool as a cucumber.

Summer Recap -- Folly Beach part 1

Per tradition, we spent a week at Folly Beach in Charleston, SC. Dear Sybil's passing cast a sad shadow on our trip this year. That being said, the kids really did enjoy their time at the beach, and the brothers got to spend the week together which I know would please Sybil greatly.

David and Fiona chasing the waves

David, Ewan and Fiona chasing in the ocean

Summer Recap -- MN trip part III

I'll end the MN portion of the summer with these random shots.

David playing with Natalie at Grandma's house.

Baby Natalie (6 mos at the time) learned to clap her hands during this trip.
Before then she only clapped her feet -- also very cute, but sadly I don't have any shots of that!

Our two gorgeous babies

Baby Natalie meets her great-grandparents!

With her Grandma and Great-Grandma

Summer Recap -- MN trip part II

The Beautiful St. Croix

We spent 2 separate days down on the river. Each time we basically did the same thing: start with a boat ride on the St. Croix to the boomsite; campfire picnic and playing with Uncle Rob in the water; go explore the cave; finish with another boat ride for the boys. Enjoy these shots!

I love this shot of the guys in the boat with the paddle boat in the background.

SO SWEET! What a great uncle!

Summer Recap -- MN trip part I

Well, I guess summer is officially over as Dennis started back at ECU yesterday. The summer had its ups and downs for us this year, and as a result I haven't kept up with my postings. Apologies aside, I'm going to try to post some of our highlights.

Natalie's first plane ride
She looks scared, but I think I was more nervous traveling with 2 little ones by myself on a plane. But we all did great despite a little ear trouble for David.

Many of you recognize this to be sure: the MSP airport

So excited to see Woody! That's Aedan with his back to the camera.

David and Finn enjoyed some of the rides at the Mall of America.

We woke up one morning to find a giant branch had fallen in the backyard.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010